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Lambda expressions, also known as anonymous functions, are a powerful feature of the Python programming language. With lambda expressions, you can create small, inline functions without the need for explicitly defining them using the def keyword. These concise and versatile functions allow you to write code more efficiently and elegantly, especially when working with higher-order functions, such as map(), filter(), and reduce().
Lambda expressions in Python
- At times to implement our logic, need arises to write a function
- with a single line of code.
- that is called only once.
- Hence it is needless to write a proper function definition with def keyword and function name.
- In such situations lambda expressions are used.
Using Lambda Expressions :
- With the help of lambda expressions we can define anonymous functions i.e.
- An anonymous function is a function without name.
- An Anonymous function can be used only once.
- A lambda expression can have one or more arguments.
- A lambda expression can have a single expression.
- The syntax of lambda expression in Python is as follows -
lambda parameters: expression
- This lambda expression is equivalent to the function definition -
def no_name(parameters):
return expression
# here no_name implies that its anonymous function.
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