
Python is a powerful and concise language that has become one of the most popular tools for software development and data analysis. It provides a range of features and functions that make programming easier and more efficient. One such feature is the use of docstrings. Docstrings provide a way to document code and communicate its purpose, functionality, and usage to other programmers. In this tutorial, we will discuss the importance and benefits of using docstrings in Python, how to write effective docstrings.

Docstrings in Python :

  • Python is a very well documented programming language.
  • The built-in help() function of python can be used to view the documentation of modules, functions, classes and keywords.
  • docstrings are used to document a function in Python.
  • If the first line of any function is a string. Python takes it as docstring.
  • The help function then displays this docstring as the documentation of this function.
  • Usually, multi-line strings are used as docstrings.
  • In Python, docstrings are stored in the  __doc__   property of the function.
  • The  __doc__   property of a function can be accessed as follows -  function_name.__doc__ 
  • Docstrings can be accessed through the  __doc__   property or the  help()  function. 
  • Code Sample : 

def my_func():
    """This is the docstring for function my_func.
    docstrings are stored in the __doc__ property of the function.
    docstrings of any function are used by
    help function as documentation of that function"""


print("printing docstring using __doc__:")

print("printing docstring Using help:")

# Output

# printing docstring using __doc__:
# This is the docstring for function my_func.
#     We can use triple or double quotes to create docstrings.
#     docstrings are stored in the __doc__ property of the function.
#     docstrings of any function are used by
#     help function as documentation of that function
# printing docstring Using help:
# Help on function my_func in module __main__:
# my_func()
#     This is the docstring for function my_func.
#     We can use triple or double quotes to create docstrings.
#     docstrings are stored in the __doc__ property of the function.
#     docstrings of any function are used by
#     help function as documentation of that function

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