
Python provides basic string manipulation functions that can be used by programmers to perform a wide range of sub-string operations. Strings are one of the most commonly used data types in Python, and understanding how to extract sub-strings from them is a key aspect of working with strings. In this tutorial, we will explore various methods of extracting sub-strings from strings using Python. 

Table of Contents :

  • Different ways of getting sub-string in Python :
    • Basic sub-string slicing
    • Negative index slicing
    • Using String Methods
    • Using the split() method
    • Using Regular Expressions
  • Concatenating Sub-strings

Different ways of getting sub-string in Python :

  • In python we can get sub-strings from a string using different methods, these include :
    • Basic sub-string slicing
    • Negative index slicing
    • Using String Methods
    • Using the split() method
    • Using Regular Expressions

Basic sub-string slicing :

  • We can use the slicing technique to get a sub-string from a string in python.
    • We can use square brackets  [ ]  and index numbers to access a sub-string of characters within a string.
    • Separate the start and end indices with a colon  to slice a part of the string.
  • Code Sample : 

my_string = "Hello, Kolledge!"
substring = my_string[11:15]
# Output
# edge


Negative index slicing:

  • We can use negative index numbers to access characters from the end of the string.
  • Code Sample : 

my_string = "Hello, Kolledge!"
substring = my_string[-9:-1]
# Output
# Kolledge


Using String Methods:

  • We can use string methods such as find(), index(), and count() to find a sub-string within a string.
  • the start index and length of the sub-string are used to slice the original string.
  • Code Sample : 

my_string = "Hello, Kolledge!"
start_index = my_string.find("Kolledge")
length = len("Kolledge")
substring = my_string[start_index:start_index+length]

# Output
# Kolledge

Split the Original String:

  • We can use the  split()  method to separate the original string into an array of sub-strings.
  • we can then access the desired sub-string by its index.
  • Code Sample : 

my_string = "Hello, Kolledge!"
substrings = my_string.split(", ")
substring = substrings[1]
# Output
# Kolledge!


Using Regular Expressions:

  • We can use the regular expressions to search for a pattern within a string.
  • We can use the  method of  re  module for this purpose.
  • Extract the matched sub-string using the  group()  method or by slicing the original string based on the match indices.
  • Code Sample : 

import re

my_string = "Hello 123 Kolledge Scholars."
pattern = r"\d+ \w+ \w+\."
match =, my_string)
substring =
# Output  
# 123 Kolledge Scholars.

Concatenating Sub-strings:

my_string = "Hello, Kolledge!"
substring1 = my_string[0:5]
substring2 = my_string[8:]
substring3 = "Python"
final_string = substring1 + " " + substring3

# Output
# Hello Python


Prev. Tutorial : Splitting a string

Next Tutorial : Concatenate strings